Friday, September 7, 2018

Duck Farming alongwith Fish Farming

Duck Farming alongwith Fish Farming


Duck Farmomg alongwith Fish FarmingIt is very interesting topic that you get more profit from Duck Farming with Fish Farming instead of just Duck Farming. For this style of farming you can earn almost double profit. There are number of benefits with fish farming, which are as under:- 
Duck provides natural feed with beat dropping to fishes and for this technique; the minimum expenses are spend on fish farming. Due to this reason, ducks call fertilization machines. Duck also control the waste grass, which creates in pond.

 At the bottom of the pond, ducks find their diet in the pool with the help of diving so they keep moving freely in your pool in a way. They are working as source provides nutrients in the bottom of pool for fishes.

At some point, there is also a source of oxygen supply in the pool.
If you will make duck house on the pool, there is no need of extra land and duck beat directly available for fishes and you can save extra expenses.

It is important that for increase of grow both species (ducks & fishes) and increase profit volume, you should make pond and duck house smaller. The depth of pond should be at least 3 feet or more. You should be start these kind of farming near the house because it will protect from theft and also good for your business.


Before putting the fish baby, the pool should be fully clean or put a chemical and eliminate the untouched fish and its eggs in it. Rotanian is the best chemical to finish fish in standing water.
If Rotatin is not available, Urea and Bleaching Powder can be used separately or separately for each 60 kg of acres. Apart from this, you can also be used any agricultural poison.
Fish Baby
The fish baby should be at least 4 or 5 inches or older so that duck cannot eat it. For getting more production, you can use one type of fish or mix.

Duck Baby
On the fish pool, you should adopt 13 to 14 week ducks. The body of ducks is hard instead of hens so that it will protect from different diseases. Ducks are easily adjustable in any environment very easily.  For the protection of ducks, you should be vaccinate.
The pool sizes should be kept small for joint venture of duck and fish. The size pool one acre (40 mile or about 1000 square meters) is suitable. in this area's of pool, approximately 50 to 75 dots you can be applied easily. For duck house, you should be half a square meter area per square meter allocated. You can be built duck house with the help of used drums, bamboo and plumbers.

Feed of Ducks
In the fish pool, a large part of your diet is ducks obtained from a pool and reduces the need to give extra food. You can be given the waste kitchen food i.e beefed vegetables, bread, rice etc. However, if you want to give additional food, you can given approximately 50 grams per day and food should be given in the evening time, so that when they came in house food will be available. You should be also arrange Clean water which is good for their health.

Dried foods can be anxiety for stomach or any other living creature, so food should be kept in a suitable and safe place.

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