Friday, September 21, 2018

Rabbit Farming

Rabbit Farming

Rabbit Farming |  Rabbit is a beautiful little animal. Its meat is a delicious and delicious taste of gooseberry meat. The farming of Rabbit is very easy instead of others and diseases factor is less than other animals. It is famous that Rabbit breed lot of child in a year, the total weight of all children equal to one cow. And if you adopt just only three rabbit (two substances and one male), it is enough to provide meat for a small family for a year. You can easily cured in the cage, which can be made in lesser cost of iron wires or wooden skirts. Minimal and other fruit cartridge can be made a minimal drainage. You can make a small wall by pressing brick bricks.

At one time rabbit breed 8 to 12 children at once and 8 to 10 times in a year. The total weight of Rabbit's children occur about 2 to 3 kg in 8 to 10 weeks. You should be provided grass grind for relaxation and heat for the rabbit's small children. Green grass is very important in rabbit food and some type of grain can be added. Cheap vegetables like carrots, syrups, spinach, cats, etc. A small rabbit market price is to 1$ to 1.5$ and a rabbit is sold around 2.5$ to 300$, so you can take up to 100% profit on rabbit growth and your home meat needs are cheap and standard meat.

While keeping rabbit and other living creatures, it is very important that their biological needs should be considered and arranged before the time of saving them from diseases or their predators. Moreover, before starting this type of business, you should keep in mind that the most important thing is to start with a small money, plan well, and learn about its development and business first and get complete information.

Fact and Benefits of Rabbit
1). The growth of Rabbits is very fast
3). There are required a small investment instead of other large livestocks
4). A rabbit can be bear 2 to 8 kittens at a go.
5). Rabbit is e a great substitute for poultry products
6). You can start with lesser and cheaper labour a rabbit farm
7). The food of rabbit is cheaper and you can also use leaves, Grasses, and some type of wastes can be great rabbit meals

8). The meats of rabbit is highly nutritious, tasty, and easily digestible

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen Gardening 

What is Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Gardening | The meaning of kitchen Gardening is grow vegetables at house. The kitchen garden is helping hobby to save your expenditure and give you fresh vegetables. You can fulfill your vegetable requirements with the use of your windows or balcony and there is no need for any garden to grow the vegetables. If you can make on large scale and do market on social media and through publicity material you can also get more income for your home. For growing vegetables, you can also use bucket, old tires, broken clay, tubes, pipe pieces, wooden skirts, fruit cartons, canned, cold drinks  and oil bottles, etc.  

What you can grow in Kitchen Garden

In the kitchen garden, you can grow peppers, bananas, cucumbers, cakes, tomatoes, crocodieles, cakes, spinach, onioins, yarn, garlic, chillies, carrots.  For this purpose, many online and government agencies can assist and support you.  

Should be promote Kitchen Gardening at School Level

You should be educate about kitchen gardening at school level and plant vegetables in the land and carpets behind the school. You can easily promote this hobby with help of social media tools. It will help in children to increase the health level and profit less expensive best quality food.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Quail Farming | How to make a Quail Farm

Quail Farming

Quail Farming | is very profitable business. You can make its setup on very small place or make on very big place. The meat of quail is also very tasty and its demand also increased day by day.

 At this time more than 50 types are available in the world but some are breed in Pakistan:-
1.      Golden
2.      Shamli
3.      White Bob
4.      Black Bob
5.      Pahari
6.      Desi
7.      Quarter Niks

 Business point of view, it gains weight very fastly as compare other birds. After five months, it is ready for eat. The female is starting eggs at the age of eight months and almost 280 eggs lying in a year.

You should be maintained the following requirements it will helpful for your business:-

1.      Choose a healthy bird for start farming business.
2.      At the start, you should be maintained shed temperature 95F and decrease 5 f every weak and maintained on 85f.
3.      At the first weak, you should be provided light food to the chicks.
4.      At the first four weak, you should provided light with a hour break.
5.      At the first weak, you should provide cotton cloth on the floor for chicks walking.
6.      At the start of first two weaks, you should be provided 8 square inch place for baby chicks and 20 to 25 inch for adult chicks.


Bloody Flesh
White diarrhea
Intestinal inflammation
Lack of vitamin

Continues Expenses

One Shed 40X20 300 per sqf
Food, Water Pots, Electricity Equipment

Total Expenses
During Breeding Expenses

Food of 5000 Quail (0.10$) per day per chick
1650 kg feed 45 per kg
Electricity and medicine expenses
One employee 60$ per month
Other expense


4750 quail 40 per quail sale
Empty Feed Bags

Total Income
Net Income
500$ per month
Annual Income


Friday, September 7, 2018

Duck Farming alongwith Fish Farming

Duck Farming alongwith Fish Farming


Duck Farmomg alongwith Fish FarmingIt is very interesting topic that you get more profit from Duck Farming with Fish Farming instead of just Duck Farming. For this style of farming you can earn almost double profit. There are number of benefits with fish farming, which are as under:- 
Duck provides natural feed with beat dropping to fishes and for this technique; the minimum expenses are spend on fish farming. Due to this reason, ducks call fertilization machines. Duck also control the waste grass, which creates in pond.

 At the bottom of the pond, ducks find their diet in the pool with the help of diving so they keep moving freely in your pool in a way. They are working as source provides nutrients in the bottom of pool for fishes.

At some point, there is also a source of oxygen supply in the pool.
If you will make duck house on the pool, there is no need of extra land and duck beat directly available for fishes and you can save extra expenses.

It is important that for increase of grow both species (ducks & fishes) and increase profit volume, you should make pond and duck house smaller. The depth of pond should be at least 3 feet or more. You should be start these kind of farming near the house because it will protect from theft and also good for your business.


Before putting the fish baby, the pool should be fully clean or put a chemical and eliminate the untouched fish and its eggs in it. Rotanian is the best chemical to finish fish in standing water.
If Rotatin is not available, Urea and Bleaching Powder can be used separately or separately for each 60 kg of acres. Apart from this, you can also be used any agricultural poison.
Fish Baby
The fish baby should be at least 4 or 5 inches or older so that duck cannot eat it. For getting more production, you can use one type of fish or mix.

Duck Baby
On the fish pool, you should adopt 13 to 14 week ducks. The body of ducks is hard instead of hens so that it will protect from different diseases. Ducks are easily adjustable in any environment very easily.  For the protection of ducks, you should be vaccinate.
The pool sizes should be kept small for joint venture of duck and fish. The size pool one acre (40 mile or about 1000 square meters) is suitable. in this area's of pool, approximately 50 to 75 dots you can be applied easily. For duck house, you should be half a square meter area per square meter allocated. You can be built duck house with the help of used drums, bamboo and plumbers.

Feed of Ducks
In the fish pool, a large part of your diet is ducks obtained from a pool and reduces the need to give extra food. You can be given the waste kitchen food i.e beefed vegetables, bread, rice etc. However, if you want to give additional food, you can given approximately 50 grams per day and food should be given in the evening time, so that when they came in house food will be available. You should be also arrange Clean water which is good for their health.

Dried foods can be anxiety for stomach or any other living creature, so food should be kept in a suitable and safe place.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Finches Farming

Finches Farming

Finches are small to medium size bird. The most of finches are belong to Australia. The sound of finches is very charming. Number of types are available in markets i.e. Zebra Finches, Gouldian Finches, Star Finches, Bengalese Finches, White, Gray & Silver Javas.

Farming Point of view
Finches Farming  | Its farming is very easy instead of other cage birds. You can start its setup with low investment. You can start with 2 to 3 pairs. The disease ratio is low instead of other cage birds.

The following steps are beneficial for making a finches setup:-

Bird Selection
Before starting a setup, you should be make sure that you bird is healthy and active. For this purpose, you should be purchased birds from home breeder.

Cage Sizes
Normally 12X8X8 is good size for finches and you can also use any size of cage for finches.

1.     The location of birds should be neat and clean.
2.     Select a place where light available. Direct sunlight is ok, but you should be careful.
3.     If you have small children at home, the cage should be out of reach. 
4.     Setup should be watchable because some time birds are doing fight with each others.
5.     When temperature across 30c then you can use the room cooler and exhaust fan to maintain the temperature. Air-conditioner is not comfortable draft.
6.     When temperature 5c to 20c in day or night, you can use electric heater / 100 power Bulb according to the birds setup to maintain the room temperature.
7.     Door of cage should be properly lock after necessary work.
8.     Lizard and Rats are very harmful for birds, therefore, you should be use anti lizard and anti Rat poisons.

Complete Diet Plan
1.     Seed pots are used for diet of birds.
2.     Water pots are use for giving water
Finch Diet Plan
Before Breeding
Frozen mixed vegetables, Gol Kangni, Desi Kangni, Bajra, Spinach, bread crumbs, and corn bread, Egg shells. Meal Worm, Bug Beetle
After Breeding
Hardboiled Egg (mashed) and Boiled Rice
Java Diet Plan
Before Breeding
Rice (Monji), Gol Kangni, Desi Kangni, Spinach, bread crumbs, and corn bread, Egg shells.
After Breeding
hardboiled egg (mashed) and Boiled Rice

Breeding Season of Finches
Autumn and spring season is good for breed of finches.

Nesting Material
Finches are working as artisan; they are expert to making nest with straw. For this purpose, they use nest boxes, which are available in market in various designs.  
Complete Care Plane for birds
You should following the complete care plan:-
1.              Everything should be in good condition.
2.              You should be purchased healthy and active bird from market or home breeder.
3.              Size of cage for birds is justified, where bird easy move their feathers.
4.              The cleaning of Seed pots should be possible every 3 days.
5.              The cleaning of Water pots should be possible every day and checking time to time because Finches enjoy bathing and they can use extra water in a day.
6.              The cage should be clean after two days.
7.              If your bird sits in the corner, looks puffy, or generally doesn't look good, he may be ill. So you can separate from the other birds. In this regard an emergency cage should be arranged.
8.              You should be trimming the nail if they are much longer.
9.              Birds accessories should be maintained separately i.e. Cleaning Cloths, Surf, brushes etc.
10.         Mask should be used during the cleaning of cages.
11.         Garbage taker (Nehla) is a good gadget to use the cleaning of cages.
12.         You should aware about egg transferring, chicks transferring and egg candling methods.

Required estimate budget in Pakistan
If you will start initially with two pairs then you will the following requirements:-
Sr. No.
Name of item
Estimated Cost     (in Rs.)
Wooden Cage 18X12X8
Seed pots & water pots
Cattle Fish
One month seeds
1.5 KG
Eggs & Rice Expenses

Electricity Bulb
Total Estimate

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Cage Birds Farming Business

Cage Birds Farming Business

Cage Birds Farming Business | It is very interesting topic and good hobby. It creates nature environment. People can comedowns the stress after adopting the wonderful hobby. In the modern era, people are busy in computers, mobile phones and digital world, which is very dangerous for their health.    

You can adopt this hobby as business in life and get more physical and financial benefits. For this purpose, the small amount is enough for making a small setup at home.

In this connection, the following steps are very helpful for making a small setup:-

Selection of the Bird

The selection of the bird for any setup is main thing, for this purpose, you should be purchase a healthy bird. In this regard, you should be purchased bird from a bird breeding not market shop. If you have experience person then you can purchase bird from market.

The sign of healthy bird is as under:-

a)    You should be noticed that bird flowing actively in the cage.  
b)    You should be noticed that bird not effected with any disease or damage. 

Location / Environment

Second thing for making a small setup, location and environment where bird live is very important. Location of the bird is temperature controllable and maturely automatic adjustable. 

In the summer season, location / environment is normal cool and in the winter season, temperature is normal worm. More high and colder environment is not good for birds.

You can also be used temperature control gadgets i.e Bulb, Fan, Electronic Heather, Eggs, green leaves etc.


You should be aware about the diet of the bird. Normally, number of kinds of diet used for birds i.e. one is used before the breeding season and one is used in breeding season and some used during disease of the bird and some controlling temperature of the birds and some use for baby birds.
The food pots and water pots should be clean on daily basis.

You should be getting full information about Cages, Birds diet, Accessories, Location, Environment, bird catching techniques, egg candling, eggs transferring and chicks transferring etc.

Information about Cage
You should be aware about cage size, quality, cage gadgets etc. Normally Burfi Jali instead of China Jali is good for birds. Your cages should be lizard proof and during birds should be locked.

Egg Candling
Egg candling is method use for checking fertilization or non-fertilization of eggs. This is very easy method, for this purpose, a torch is required for checking the eggs. 

Egg Transferring and Chick Transferring
Egg transferring and chick transferring is good and possible if your bids have diet or given large number of eggs. You can give eggs and chicks to the other birds; they have less eggs or chicks.

In view of above, it is a good hobby and profitable business; you can earn side income for making a small setup.