Thursday, August 30, 2018

Cage Birds Farming Business

Cage Birds Farming Business

Cage Birds Farming Business | It is very interesting topic and good hobby. It creates nature environment. People can comedowns the stress after adopting the wonderful hobby. In the modern era, people are busy in computers, mobile phones and digital world, which is very dangerous for their health.    

You can adopt this hobby as business in life and get more physical and financial benefits. For this purpose, the small amount is enough for making a small setup at home.

In this connection, the following steps are very helpful for making a small setup:-

Selection of the Bird

The selection of the bird for any setup is main thing, for this purpose, you should be purchase a healthy bird. In this regard, you should be purchased bird from a bird breeding not market shop. If you have experience person then you can purchase bird from market.

The sign of healthy bird is as under:-

a)    You should be noticed that bird flowing actively in the cage.  
b)    You should be noticed that bird not effected with any disease or damage. 

Location / Environment

Second thing for making a small setup, location and environment where bird live is very important. Location of the bird is temperature controllable and maturely automatic adjustable. 

In the summer season, location / environment is normal cool and in the winter season, temperature is normal worm. More high and colder environment is not good for birds.

You can also be used temperature control gadgets i.e Bulb, Fan, Electronic Heather, Eggs, green leaves etc.


You should be aware about the diet of the bird. Normally, number of kinds of diet used for birds i.e. one is used before the breeding season and one is used in breeding season and some used during disease of the bird and some controlling temperature of the birds and some use for baby birds.
The food pots and water pots should be clean on daily basis.

You should be getting full information about Cages, Birds diet, Accessories, Location, Environment, bird catching techniques, egg candling, eggs transferring and chicks transferring etc.

Information about Cage
You should be aware about cage size, quality, cage gadgets etc. Normally Burfi Jali instead of China Jali is good for birds. Your cages should be lizard proof and during birds should be locked.

Egg Candling
Egg candling is method use for checking fertilization or non-fertilization of eggs. This is very easy method, for this purpose, a torch is required for checking the eggs. 

Egg Transferring and Chick Transferring
Egg transferring and chick transferring is good and possible if your bids have diet or given large number of eggs. You can give eggs and chicks to the other birds; they have less eggs or chicks.

In view of above, it is a good hobby and profitable business; you can earn side income for making a small setup.    

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