Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Egg Binding Problem in Birds and Its Solution

                     Egg Binding

Egg binding occurs at that time when female birds are unable to expel an egg from her body. If, that period prolong, it will be dangerous for female birds, in most of cases, she may become ill critically. 

Solution to resolve the egg binding problem

One solution is bound egg to be massaged out with hand but this should be done by an experience person, who have good knowledge because it is a critical situation. 
Another solution is provide warm water for bath or provide steam in the hospital cage, this method can help to relax the body and help to hen pass the egg easily. 

Sign of Egg Binding 

  1. Tail bobbing or wagging
  2. visibly swelling on abdomen
  3. Respiration problem
  4. out of balance on perch
  5. Sickness
  6. Body Weakness 
  7. paralysis of leg or lameness


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