Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to Produce Healthy Finches

How to Produce Healthy Finches


Finch is one of the best birds for home breeding. Special Zebra Finch, Java Finch, Pigeon Finch, Orange Brest Finch, Lady Gouldian Finch are one of the best species for home breed.  The following setups should be taken, if you are getting good breed and throughout year breed.

Selection of the Room
At first setup if you make a bird setup, ventilation and sunlight of room should be properly maintain. The temperature of the room should be maintained 20 co to 30 co. For this purpose, Gage should be placed in the bird room. The ideas season of bird is Spring Season and Autumn Season.

Selection of the bird
The bird should be get from home breeding instead of market because the home breed getting good breed from healthy bird. They get healthy and good quality birds from different home breeders instead of market. You can easily search for home breeders on Facebook. You also get birds on reasonable price and getting some more knowledge about birds and its diet, breeding etc, which will be helpful for your breeding setup. For breeding purpose, you should purchase babies and growth at home. It will give you better results.

At purchasing time when you purchase a bird, you should also taken water, which seller given to its birds. The reason is that some time when you bird came to home, bird is ill due to diarrhea.

Selection of Diet
You should have knowledge about the diet of birds during breeding season and without breeding season.
In the case of finches, you given normal diet during non-breeding like seed, egg shell after killing gems, fresh water and also provide cuttlefish bone. At the breeding time, when babies comes from eggs, boiled rice, boiled egg, meal worm add with normal diet.  

Selection of Cage & Nest Boxes
In the Finch breed, minimum size of cage 2 x 1.5 x 1 because good cage size good for health of the birds. Nest Boxes should be place in good size.
Cage of the birds should be placed 4 feet above from ground level. Normally iron cage is better for handing birds.
Lizard can be harmful for your birds specially at breeding time, so you should taken necessary action for killing the lizard. 

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